No. Features LITE PRO
1 Appointment online booking system - date & time - provider - customer - service - fees - location - resources Yes Yes
2 Multiple schemes / Payors Yes Yes
3 Unlimited dentists in a practice Yes Yes
Advance 6-level matching and filtering (Customer Type (scheme), Service session, provider, service type Yes Yes
5 New patient registrations - 15 new patients allowed Yes Yes
6 Family members bookings Yes Yes
7 Basic reporting (bookings done, cancellations in the last one month etc.) Yes Yes
8 Full account history (including past appointments) available for the customers (last 1 month) Yes Yes
9 Email support available through email Yes Yes
10 Online payment (credit cards/debit cards) processing (PayPal Checkout) Yes Yes
11 Auto Recall (sending direct recall link via email, letter, SMS)   Yes
12 Unlimited patient appointments   Yes
13 Unlimited New Patient Registrations   Yes
14 Compatible with the Practice App.   Yes
15 Customisation Same look and feel as the practice/group’s website, Logo, colours to provide consistent Patient Experience, custom patient notices, ability to customize email messaging (for booking confirmation, reminders)   Yes
16 Live support Availability of support through phone 9am- 5pm Business Days.   Yes
17 Advanced high level of control of appointments + advanced control panel, rearrange and cancellation cushion, restrictions on cancellation and re-arranging, e.g. late cancellation based on each treatment   Yes
18 Auto booking confirmation emails, auto email reminders [booking and reminders for all patients, email reminder template.(Check based on AuditLog in R4 for newly booked appts for today.   Yes
19 Contiguous Appointments (optimizes larger slots for more revenue generating treatments)   Yes
20 Appointment Bundling (Clinician based- allows dentists + Hygienist appointments bundling)   Yes
21 New Registration Welcome Pack: Provides an automated ‘Welcome Pack’ at new patient registration (add links to templates). Medical history form static link addition to customized templates.   Yes
22 Maps / SAT NAV integration: Google Maps / SatNav integration.   Yes
23 Calendar integration: Outlook, iCal, GoogleCalendar integration   Yes
24 Social Media integration: Patients can see and like the practice Facebook page as well as see practice Twitter feed from the Appointment booking pages.   Yes